Tuesday, June 20, 2006

News Release Rogers Incorporated

Rogers Inc. is proud to announce the company is in the development stages of a new release.Baby Rogers, version 2.0 is set to make it's debut in early February 2007. The initial release date was set as February 15, 2007. But we've heard from the head of labor it will probably be released on February 7th or 8th.

When asked about the upcoming release from Rogers Inc., Baby Rogers, version 1.0, also known as Googie said, "Na na ba ba digum."

Baby Rogers, version 1.0 has been available for 11 months and will celebrate her 1 year anniversary on July 21. Baby Rogers, version 2.0 is predicted to be the final release from Rogers, Inc.

"We will be ending production of this line sometime in mid-2007," said Rogers Inc., CEO The Hub.

Rogers Inc., is a privately held company located in Mobile, Alabama.

1 comment:

Cricky said...

That is probably the best birth announcement I have ever read!!

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