Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Business Venture... or Glutton for Punishment???

So, evidently my 2 under 2, working outside of the home (and overnights to boot) and just life in general aren't enough to consume my time.

Oh, no! Sleeping an average of 4 hours a day must be too much for me. Cause I've decided, after much prodding from friends and family, to take the first steps toward a part time gig. I'm going to start offering my photography services to people. It's an idea I've thrown around before.

I've even slowly started setting up a little page for my new biz (though technically, it's not a REAL business... I mean, no business license, etc.).

You can check it out here. I'd love to see what you think!

EDIT TO ADD... Ok, so NO ONE was gonna tell me I actually wrote "consume my TEAM" in the first paragraph, instead of consume my "TIME". ROTFLMAO I'm a doofus.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday Sprinkler Fun

What's better on a hot, sunny afternoon than a nice cool soak in the sprinkler?

Googie had a blast enjoying the cool water.

It WAS a little cold, which prompted some pretty funny looking faces.

She loved running in and out of the spray of water...

And cheesing for the camera.

Soupy didn't play in the sprinkler. He was chilling in his bouncy seat in the shade on the patio.

He did get hit with a little of the mist from the sprinkler. He didn't like that much.

Hence the serious look!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

My budding artiste

The world may be a canvas, but for now, Googie is practicing her art on....


She how proud she is? She did this a few weeks ago, after I left for work. The Hub realized she was quiet... too quiet... and went to investigate. She was on her bed with an ink pen she found.

She even drew on the bottom of her foot (Good gracious it's a dirty foot, too!)!

Seriously. Look at those legs! Look at that technique! The expression in the pen strokes! Ignore the bruised toenail. It's fine now, I promise!

But Googie doesn't just express herself on herself. Oh no. She likes to experiment on other canvasses.

Like the carousel rocking horse I found for her. Admittedly, the rocking horse needs a paint job... but somehow I don't think Crayola's wax medium is the right look.

I don't want to stifle her creativity, though. I'll just have to keep a close eye on her, before she decides to practice on Soupy.

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