Random, Early Morning Thoughts
#1. Why did I take this shift change? I'm miserable. I'm always tired. I never see my friends anymore. Heck, I never see The Hub anymore. I DO get to see my kids, and for that I'm thankful. I guess I have to keep reminding myself I'm doing it for them.
#2. Why is one of my managers an asshat? Seriously. I got called out for something I admit I was doing. I don't resent that. I resent the very obvious double-standard that is now in play. I resent the "tone" of the call out. I resent what I feel is the insinuation that I'm a lazy producer. I'm not. I've been here for almost 7 years. I'm a damn good employee. This person has been here for 2 months.
#3. I'm worried people here think my shift change is a demotion. It wasn't. At least, I don't think it was. Do you get demoted but still get a big pay increase? Seriously, from prime time producer to overnight producer? Sometimes I think it was a demotion. It makes me sad. And depressed. And resentful. Which takes us back to #1 and then #2.
#4. I wish May sweeps was already over. Yes, it just started last week. I don't care. I'm over it.
#5. I need a vacation from this place. The events of the last 4 days have put me in a horribly negative mood (see #2). I hate feeling this way. I hate it even more when I take out my negativity on my family, specifically The Hub. He doesn't deserve it.
#6. Why do I have to tell someone what I want for Mother's Day? Why is there seemingly no advance thought put into it? Seriously. I don't mind making suggestions. But don't act shocked to learn it's coming this weekend. It's been on the calendar since the day you bought the darn thing for me for Christmas. It's not like I "penciled" it in.
#7. I'm glad my friend Mel has decided to get back in the blogging game. I miss her. Meeting her once a week for breakfast at Chik-Fil-A is not doing it for me. I want more attention. Yes, I'm a needy bitch that way.
#8. Soupy is growing like a weed. Seriously. He is the chunkiest monkey I know.
#2. Why is one of my managers an asshat? Seriously. I got called out for something I admit I was doing. I don't resent that. I resent the very obvious double-standard that is now in play. I resent the "tone" of the call out. I resent what I feel is the insinuation that I'm a lazy producer. I'm not. I've been here for almost 7 years. I'm a damn good employee. This person has been here for 2 months.
#3. I'm worried people here think my shift change is a demotion. It wasn't. At least, I don't think it was. Do you get demoted but still get a big pay increase? Seriously, from prime time producer to overnight producer? Sometimes I think it was a demotion. It makes me sad. And depressed. And resentful. Which takes us back to #1 and then #2.
#4. I wish May sweeps was already over. Yes, it just started last week. I don't care. I'm over it.
#5. I need a vacation from this place. The events of the last 4 days have put me in a horribly negative mood (see #2). I hate feeling this way. I hate it even more when I take out my negativity on my family, specifically The Hub. He doesn't deserve it.
#6. Why do I have to tell someone what I want for Mother's Day? Why is there seemingly no advance thought put into it? Seriously. I don't mind making suggestions. But don't act shocked to learn it's coming this weekend. It's been on the calendar since the day you bought the darn thing for me for Christmas. It's not like I "penciled" it in.
#7. I'm glad my friend Mel has decided to get back in the blogging game. I miss her. Meeting her once a week for breakfast at Chik-Fil-A is not doing it for me. I want more attention. Yes, I'm a needy bitch that way.
#8. Soupy is growing like a weed. Seriously. He is the chunkiest monkey I know.

Worship his Chunky Monkey-ness. You know you want to! And who can resist that smile? No one, that's who!
#9. Soupy may not be the Chunkiest Monkey I've known. I think Googie may have that title under her belt. Check out her pic at 3 months old back in October '05.

#10. I love my babies!
Omg... Soupy is getting so big! I can't believe how he has grown. What would we do without our CFA dates? We to do something more exciting without children or ordering at a counter and our food coming in a bag.
Ooooh your babies are SO beautiful! Good genes.
Regarding Mother's Day- I must say at least you didn't have to purchase and package your OWN gift to insure that you get something. (That's what I did this year, since I didn't feel like being pissed for weeks and NOT getting anything!)
Oh man, I should show you some of Hannah's baby pictures. SHE was definitely a chunky monkey! I'll bring some on Tuesday :P
Awe they were are both beautiful chunky monkeys! Bailey was one too!!
Gorgeous pics!!!!!!
There is nothing like a happy baby pic to make you feel good about everything.
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Oh, I hope things are getting better at work.
Beautiful babies!!!
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