Monday, May 21, 2007

Ego Booster... sort of?

So Googie is learning new words everyday. She's mastered several phrases, but her latest one... well, you'll see.

I was sitting on the bed the other night wearing a tank top sans bra. I was surfing the web on my laptop and she was bouncing around the bed like a little freak. She decided to sit behind me and fling her arms over my shoulders, in a reverse hug.

So, there we sit, Googie hanging over my shoulder as I read blogs. Evidently my tank top caught her eye. Cause she made a move for it, pulling it down to reveal my quite ample chest.

Googie: "Mommy! Boobies!"

Me: "Yes baby, Mommy's boobies."

Googie: "Boobies! HOT Boobies!"

At least someone noticed?!?!?!?! LOL


Mom2Amara said...

I'd take the word "hot" anytime it's used to described me! :) But what fascinates me is that Amara learned "boobies" too...and it's not really how I refer to the sisters! Amazing what kids say!

Kim said...

Um, well your boobies are pretty hawt....

Melanie said...

You do have hot boobies!

Heather said...

Hot Boobies, Yay for Boobs! Let's hear it for the boobs!

Sugar Kane said...

How cute! And good for you...

Jennifer said...

Hey take every complement!!! It's great for women to appreciate their bodies... and she's starting early!

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