Things I Hate Today
*Calling in sick for a Friday. I always feel like people don't believe that I'm really ill.
*Calling in sick late in the day (I work overnights). I went to bed Thursday morning feeling a little sniffly, but otherwise ok. I woke Thursday afternoon with fever, a throat so sore I could barely swallow or even talk and swollen lymph nodes in my neck. Calling in at 1:30pm meant my replacement (who was already well into working half his day already) had to be sent home, only to return to work at 10:30pm.
*Having a ridiculously sore throat. A throat, as mentioned above, so sore I can't really swallow or talk. I like to talk. A lot. And... well, if you don't swallow, where does the saliva go? That's right... you get drooly (or at least, I get drooly). I feel like a St. Bernard for Godsake.
I hope you feel better very soon!!!
Hope you're feeling better!
And girl, I don't work overnights but I'm at the station at 5 a.m. so when I'm going to bed feeling under the weather, I know that when I wake at 3 a.m., it'll be waaaaay too late to call in. Dang TV stations :)
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