The hub and I share our bed with another female.... our daughter. Yes, we are (gasp!) co-sleepers. It's funny. Before Googie was born, I swore she would NEVER sleep in our bed... EVER. And then, Googie spent 10 days in the NICU after she was born. When we finally got our baby girl home, I was paranoid she would stop breathing. I slept with her in my arms for weeks. When I finally felt comfortable, I placed her next to me in the bed. Fast forward nearly 18 months later, and here we are. Thank GOD for our kingsize bed!
Googie has a beautiful crib, a gift from all of my aunts. I love her crib. But we've grown used to having her snuggled up next to us. Now, Baby Brother will inherit the crib. And we're slowly making efforts to transition Googie out of our bed. So, we bought her a toddler bed.
Of course, before we could even get the bed put together, Googie was enjoying the mattress. It was on the floor in the living room and, though I was at dinner with friends last night, the Hub says she had a blast bouncing on the mattress and playing around on it.
This was what I came home to last night.

My heart just melted when I saw her! She zonked out on the mattress for a nap! I knew she was going to love her bed, once we got it put together.
So last night, that's what we did. We took her into her bedroom and started assembling the bed. It really wasn't that hard. I just have issues with reading instructions completely before forging out on the road to put something together! (Hey, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, right?)
The bed is just a simple design. White with a headboard and side rails, $40. Can't beat it! Now, don't get me wrong, I love spending money on Googie and Baby Brother. But I choose to spend it on things I know they can appreciate and enjoy. Not a bed frame that, at the rate Googie is growing, will be too small in a year or less.
Googie couldn't wait for us to get the mattress on the bed along with her new pink striped sheet! She was chomping at the bit to climb in and check everything out.

She was so very proud of herself when she was sitting in her pint-sized bed for the first time!
After a few seconds of looking around, it was time to check everything out. And boy did she!

She crawled up the the headboard to get a closer look at her fishy wallpaper border.

She checked out the view upside down (which, seems to be her new thing these days).

She bounced... and bounced... and bounced. Then she bounced... and bounced... and bounced some more.

She brought her stuffed Backyardigan, Uniqua, and her kitty kat Mao-Mao into the fray. She loved crawling all over the bed, climbing in and out of it, over and over and over again. For now, it's a fun plaything, but I'm hoping to convince her to take her afternoon naps in the bed soon.

Think I'll be successful?
I love the bed, and she is so cute in it! Good luck with the transition!
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