Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Business Venture... or Glutton for Punishment???

So, evidently my 2 under 2, working outside of the home (and overnights to boot) and just life in general aren't enough to consume my time.

Oh, no! Sleeping an average of 4 hours a day must be too much for me. Cause I've decided, after much prodding from friends and family, to take the first steps toward a part time gig. I'm going to start offering my photography services to people. It's an idea I've thrown around before.

I've even slowly started setting up a little page for my new biz (though technically, it's not a REAL business... I mean, no business license, etc.).

You can check it out here. I'd love to see what you think!

EDIT TO ADD... Ok, so NO ONE was gonna tell me I actually wrote "consume my TEAM" in the first paragraph, instead of consume my "TIME". ROTFLMAO I'm a doofus.


Mom2Amara said...

A writer AND you have a good eye? So lucky!

Jennifer said...

Oh so NOW you post your info! Just teasing Jen. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, does this mean you will be a professional now?? ;)

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