Easter Poops
Ahhh, the sweet, sugary confection known as the Peep. I think they are too cute. But one thing you should know about the marshmallow candy... don't mock them. They like to get revenge. Seriously.
Come with me on a trip in the wayback machine, would you? Back several years... to a time before we had Googie or BB. The Hub and I got the bright idea to create a chocolate version of the marshmallow treat. So, we bought marshmallow fluff and added in some melted chocolate chips. Sinfully delicious.
But we couldn't stop there. Oh no. You see, I wanted to do a play on the "Peep" name. Now, being the type of people who really enjoy potty humor... what in the world could we have possibly come up with? I mean, chocolate marshmallow versions of a Peep. Hmmm... wait for it... you know what it is already, right... ok... here it is...
Yes, my friends, we decided to create Easter Poops. There we were with out chocolate bowl of chocolate-flavored marshmallow fluff and a piping bag. But wait... there's more. Why not throw in some chopped nuts... for texture! In went a cup or two of chopped almonds, if I remember correctly. So, there we were... ready to make nutty Easter Poops.
But, I couldn't stop there. Oh no. I added the Pièce de résistance You know those mini M&M's? I bought a bag. I seperated the colors into little piles. We decided M&Ms would be a nice addition to our Easter Poops. And just to carry out our theme a little more, we chose to use just the yellow ones. You know why. They looked like little niblets of corn.
There we were, giggling with childish abandon at the edible treats with a twist of potty humor we were about to make using a bowl of chocolate-flavored marshmallow fluff with chopped nuts and yellow mini M&M's. We scooped the mixture into the piping bag and proceeded to pipe it all out onto some wax paper. We got a little artsy and decided to make logs of Easter Poops, little Easter Pooplets, piles of dog-like Easter Poops... you name it, we created it.
And so, the Easter Poop was born. But, I angered the Peep Gods that day, my friends. And they knew, revenge is a dish best served cold. They waited... for years.... looking for the perfect time to strike. That perfect time was this past weekend.
While most homes were visited by the Easter Bunny over the weekend, it seems the Stomach Bug decided he'd stop by my house, too. Saturday afternoon, poor little BB started throwing up. He traded in his bottles of expensive, hypoallergenic (and incredibly stinky) baby formula for expensive, electrolyte-replacing (and fruity smelling) Pedialyte.
But one little 8 week old sick baby wasn't enough for our house. Oh No. Mr. Stomach Bug decided to get up close and personal with the Hub and Googie. In fact, yours truly was the only one immune to SB's charms. While the rest of my little family crashed early Saturday evening, I got to give the Easter Bunny a hand and put together my first Easter Baskets for my kids!

Not too bad for my first year actually playing the part of the Easter Bunny... if I do say so myself.

Googie scored big with jelly beans, organic chocolate eggs, 2 count 'em 2 easter bunnies, Backyardigans silverware, a Doodle Pro and (not pictured) a huge toy the Hub picked out to help her with her ABC's.

Googie, bed head and all, really loved her basket. I don't know what had her more excited.... the candy or the toys.
Lest you think I forgot about BB... he also scored with candy that will be enjoyed on his behalf by yours truly and the Hub. I also picked up some cute little stuffed rattles for the little man and the little dangly things for his car seat. I just didn't get any photos of him because he was a grumpy guss all day. I might have to go ahead and take some now that he's well.
In fact, everyone is back to normal now, thankfully.
The paypack poops for the Easter Poops from the Easter Peeps have finally left our home. Wonder what delightful deity I can piss off on our next holiday?
First, Easter poops?!
That's just too much.
And I'm sorry to hear you had a bunch of sickos over the weekend. Glad everyone is feeling better!
SB's are the worse! But at least you didn't get it. It's really really really bad when mommy gets it too.
Yeah, Easter poop? That's a first one for me!
I hope everyone feels better now!
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