Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Sounds of Motherhood

As most Moms know, pregnancy occasionally brings uncontrollable flatulence... sometimes REALLY LOUD, uncontrollable flatulence.

Back when I was pregnant with BB, Googie and I were shopping at the FABUless Tarzhay when I felt it. It being the urge to let one hopefully sneak out undetected by my fellow shoppers.

I steered Googie to an uninhabited aisle in the baby section and let it slip. The sound was likely undetectable to any living thing outside of a 1/2 foot radius of my rear.

Well, to anything BUT Googie. Evidently my child has supersonic hearing. That AND the urge to become a town crier.

"Momma! Poo poo!!! Momma!! Poo poo! Stinky Poo poo! Momma P-U!"

Ahhh.. the joys of motherhood!

Oh and for the record... it WAS NOT stinky.


Heather said...

Yeah, not stinky. Suurreeee. I believe you. LOL

Melanie said...

Oh the joys of motherhood. They always rat you out.

Rebecca said...

and I hope you responded. "Oh darling, you've done another poo poo? Never mind. lets go and fix it up."

The good thing about your kids being little is that you can always blame them for strange smells....

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