Sunday, April 01, 2007

Eating My Words

It wasn't long ago I remember complaining to some of my friends how disappointed I was in the selection of clothes for baby boys. Everything, in my opinion, was too "cutesy"... baby blue, with little doggies or bears or cartoonish dinosaurs.

I wasn't going to dress my baby in that.

No Sir.

Nun uh.

No way.


If it hadn't been for my wonderful friends and the surprise shower they threw for me about a month before BB was born, the poor child probably wouldn't have had any clothes!

Well, that is not entirely true. I found some adorable things at Old Navy, sans the cutesy puppy dogs or dinosaurs.

Then BB was born. I took some gowns and onesies to the hospital for him because he was outgrowing the hospital outfits. One in particular, from Her Highness over at Queen of Shake-Shake, was a blue gown with little doggies on it.

Yes, one of the aforementioned things I thought was "too cutesy".

Only, when I put it on BB, he looked ADORABLE. PRECIOUS. So, of course, what did I do? Well, I went right out and bought more onesies and gowns with doggies and dinos!

So yes, I'm eating my words. I should have deferred to Her Highness, a mother of two boys, when it came to cute boy clothing. She knew what she was talking about.

That doesn't mean BB doesn't have some non-cutesy stuff. He does. I bought him an adorable pin stripe button down and khaki cargo pants from Old Navy. He looks like an itty bitty man when he wears that outfit. ADORABLE.

But, I still love the doggies!


Kim said...

You could dress that baby in a paper sack and he would look adorable :)

Jennifer said...

Wouldn't that chafe? :)

Thanks. I am rather fond of the little guy!

Jennifer said...

Paper sacks don't hold up well, Kim! Sheesh. But the doggie and dino outfits are great! Glad you've come around!

Heather said...

Yep, cutesy doggies & dinos are like coffee. It's an acquired taste but once you get it, you gotta have it. LOL!

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